Monday, October 27, 2008

You talkin' to me? Huh? Huh?

I was sitting by Hui Ning's bouncer, reading the newspaper, when she got bored at staring at the world outside and started staring at me.

"Hmmm? Whatcha lookin' at, Hui Ning? Huh? Huh?" (complete with the head motion and all)

"Huh." went Hui Ning. Complete with a slight raise of the head.


"What's that? Did you really talk back to me, kiddo? Huh?" (With head motion.)

"Huh!" (With head motion!)

"Huh?" *head*

"Huh!" *head*

"Huh?" *head*

"Huh!" *head*

"Huh?" *head*

"Huh!" *head* *giggle*

(repeat... for about a dozen times)

We both ended up giggling helplessly.

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